Jumat, 12 Desember 2014

Yugioh Fordem Memories - Password Populer

Yugioh Fordem Memories 
Password Populer

999,999 Maximum Starchip
No  Title                           ATK/ DEF   Password   Cost
067 Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth - 3500/3000 - 48579379 999999
217 B. Skull Dragon               - 3200/2500 - 11901678 999999
001 Blue Eyes White Dragon        - 3000/2500 - 89631139 999999
392 Metalzoa                      - 3000/2300 - 50705071 999999
707 Skull Knight                  - 2650/2250 - 02504891 999999
057 Great Moth                    - 2600/2500 - 14141448 999999
371 Sanga of the Thunder          - 2600/2200 - 25955164 999999
037 Gaia the Dragon Champion      - 2600/2100 - 66889139 999999
391 Zoa                           - 2600/1900 - 24311372 999999
373 Suijin                        - 2500/2400 - 98434877 999999
035 Dark Magician                 - 2500/2100 - 46986414 999999
022 Summoned Skull                - 2500/1200 - 70781052 999999
370 Labyrinth Tank                - 2400/2400 - 99551425 999999
372 Kazejin                       - 2400/2200 - 62340868 999999
069 Thousand Dragon               - 2400/2000 - 41462083 999999
082 Red-eyes B. Dragon            - 2400/2000 - 74677422 999999
038 Gaia the Fierce Knight        - 2300/2100 - 06368038 999999
714 Firewing Pegasus              - 2250/1800 - 27054370 999999
390 Launcher Spider               - 2200/2500 - 87322377 999999
711 Mikazukinoyaiba               - 2200/2350 - 38277918 999999
571 B. Dragon Jungle King         - 2100/1800 - 89832901 999999
386 Harpie's Pet Dragon           - 2000/2500 - 52040216 999999

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